Type Treatments
Various typography treatments I’ve created over the years exploring with real life objects and a bit of photoshop wizardry.
“Type well used is invisible as type, just as the perfect talking voice is the unnoticed vehicle for the transmission of words, ideas.”
– Beatrice Warde, The Crystal Goblet
The coasters were designed as a self-promotion item, sent as a mailer to agencies, advertising my creative abilities. The Blackletter typeface is laser cut into acrylic or wood leaving a lattices framework that triggers memories of floral cotton placemats.
My passion for typography lies in the inherent ability of any object to convey a message in the correct arrangement.
More Projects

Ziggy 50th Anniversary
- Design

River Roding Trust
- Design
- Illustration
- Websites

- Design
- Illustration

- Design
- Illustration

Wild Cosmetics
- Design
- Packaging